Blessed to be surrounded by the best! Yesterday was a very special work day.
It made a significant impact on me personally and professionally.
The day was filled with work that I love, strength, smiles, learning lessons, partnerships, friendships forming, new signs, and I saw first-hand what it visually looks like when someone chooses their attitude and shifts their mindset.
I truly mean it when I say at UROCK our dream is for you to achieve yours. If you're willing to have fun, care for your future, trust the process, hold yourself accountable, want to get slightly out of your comfort zone, are open to improvements, and have the ability to tap into your creative soul, then a #UROCKparty is for you!
You can turn your vision into reality!
Last night after the two-hour drive home from the White Mountains I dropped off all the dream supplies at the storage unit and it was roughly one am. I was happily exhausted, it capped off a 14-hour total work day, although the majority of the day certainly did not feel like work. Once I arrived back home I immediately got to work, started to jot down notes from this experience. What went great, what needs to improve, and began plans for the next UROCKparty! I can't stop, won't stop :) I have the desire to inspire, I want all of us to live the life we want to live. If you can see it, you can believe it, if you can believe it, you can achieve it!
Thanks for reading UROCKstars, that's just my perspective.
Fired up with Enthusiasm,
UROCK's Chief Igniter,
Post party photo taken from Heidi's iPhone. Everyone walked out holding onto their vision, with their dreams in hand. A very calming energy fills the room after a UROCKparty is complete.